Teen camp programs make a difference!
For your kids, a teen camp program could be a game-changer
A teen camp program could be the break that your kids need from the doldrums of the school year. A teen camp is a place where adolescent children can be themselves, make new friends, and explore new interests. It provides a social atmosphere that is different from school. The best teen camp programs place an emphasis on being inclusive and non-judgmental. Camp is usually a bully-free zone where teens can be appreciated for who they are.
Get them out of the house, and into a teen camp!
Yes, it’s true: playing video games in the basement all summer is free. But at what cost? Camp is not just for little kids. Older children in middle school and even high school have something to gain. Camp is about engaging in physical activity, being in the outdoors, going on adventurous field trips, and navigating social situations. Children who miss out on these experiences during the very important developmental stage of life are less prepared for life after high school.
Teen camp is all about leadership
What do the best colleges and the best employers have in common? They’re looking for applicants that exhibit leadership. Leadership is a skill that is learned and nurtured during the adolescent years. Teens at camp have the opportunity to lead their peers and also to be led by them. From planning a funny skit to sharing an interest with your bunkmates, camp provides a “safe space” to learn and grow. Children who attend camp report being more willing to try new things, and more comfortable in social situations.
Want to learn more about Camp J at the Rosen JCC. Click here to get all the details and a special offer for new campers!