Jovial Joseph & Silly Sara

mensch | מענטש
noun | 'men(t)sh
Definition of MENSCH
: a person of integrity and honor
Joseph has the privilege of being named this week’s Mensch winner for Kindergarten- 2nd Grade! From what I saw, Joseph was always one of the first to join in activities and including friends in what he was doing.
In the word of his awesome counselor Lindsey, “He was always ready to listen to instructions and very curious and excited for what we had planned next”
Joseph has always been one of our best listeners, but his recent passion to learn new games and his excitement for awesome new activities at J University makes him the best choice for this week’s Mensch of the week!

As a representative for the 3rd-6th group, Rafi selects… Sara S! This is Sara’s first time being a Mensch of the Week winner this school year at J University. Sara is always ready for fun! Always laughing and having a smiling on her face is the only way to really picture her. Her fun and enthusiastic personality is always one of the best in the group.
When asked how to you feel about winning she says “I wanna give a shout out to my girls Julia, Mikayla, & Mackenzie.”
As all the girls laughed together in their little group I knew this was one of the main reasons for her winning this week! Can’t wait to see Sara grow and learn more with us at the J!