Colin the Creative & The Lovable Linda

mensch | מענטש
noun | 'men(t)sh
Definition of MENSCH
: a person of integrity and honor
Drum roll please: we are proud to announce that our first featured blog post Mensch of the Week winner is… Colin! He has the privilege of being this weeks mensch winner for the Kindergarten- 2nd graders. Ms. Lindsey selected Colin for always being positive and always having full participation in games and activities we do. Colin has been with the J for a couple years now and ever since he walked through the doors of the JCC his presence has sent smiles through the friends and faculty he has met. His participation is all the fun and awesome enrichment programs we have has pushed his bonds and communication with others to a whole new level. We can’t wait to see Colin continue to learn and grow with us at J!

Linda is one of our newest friends here, and ever since Linda’s first day at JU she has had nothing but a smile on her face. There is a huge responsibility of being with the 3rd-6th graders, and she has stepped up to the plate and played a huge roll as a “big kid”. Her drive for fun new activities and the hunger to make new friendships is very rare for a girl her age but she wants all of that and more! She is sadly only with us for a limited time a week but those couple times a week shes with her group she is a ray of sunshine.
As this is our first week of doing mensch blog posts, we wanted to give a huge congratulations to all of our previous winners: Drew, Maddie, Gates, Andrew, Kiersten, Nikoloz, Julia, Asher, Victor & Kylee! We hope to see you featured again soon!