How to find the best camp for kids in Orlando
The best camp for kids in Orlando might be right in your backyard (literally or figuratively). Parents are constantly working to find the “right fit” for their kids, and as a good parent, you know that this isn’t always easy. Finding the best camp can be a challenge, it can be time-consuming, and it could even be expensive. But it doesn’t have to be! Follow our guide and we guarantee you’ll find the best camp for your kids.
Follow these steps to find the best camp for kids in Orlando
Step 1: Think about how far you’ll drive. It doesn’t matter how great a camp is if you’re not willing or able to get your kids there. Think about what areas or ZIP codes you’ll drive to twice a day for camp. Alternatively, some camps offer transportation, but this always comes at a price whether as an additional fee or built into the camp price.
Step 2: Think about what dates and times you need care for. If you take lots of vacation, you might just need a few “gap” weeks filled in. This would eliminate camps with 4-week sessions. If you don’t take vacation in the summer, you might want one camp with lots of different programs so your kids don’t get bored after a few weeks. Extended care in the early morning and late afternoon is often also available for an additional fee.
Step 3: Think about how much you’ll pay. Camps range in price from almost free to almost as much as paying for college! Talk to your spouse about your budget for summer camp and plan accordingly.
Step 4: Think about what’s important in a camp. What experiences do you want them to have in the summer that they don’t normally get? Do you want them to make new friends? Do you want them to improve their athletic skills? Do you want them to be more outgoing? Each camp brings a unique expertise in one or more of these areas.
Step 5: Talk to your kids! If they aren’t on board, it will be hard for them to have fun at camp. And, despite all of the other things that happen at camp, it’s still all about FUN!
Summer camp: putting it all together
Put together your master list of camp options. Consult your local news publications and summer camp guides, do a Google search, talk to your children’s teachers and to your friends. For each camp on your list, mark which ones check off which boxes and then make a decision. Remember: it’s just camp! With many camps offering one-week sessions, you can try a few of your top choices this summer before settling a long-term, permanent camp home for future summers.
Want to learn more about Camp J at the Rosen JCC? Click here to get all the details and a special offer for new campers!