Benefits of Summer Camp for Parents
You might have fond memories of summer camp — long months with your summer friends, swimming every day, sneaking out at night and getting into trouble with the counselors. Indeed, summer camp is a good time for many youngsters, representing a time of freedom to form identity away from their parents and to take a break from technology and the hustle and bustle of city life.
But what most kids don’t realize is that camp is really for the parents. It is true that there are adult programs — every year more than 11 million children and adults attend camp in the U.S. But what we’re really talking about is the benefits for parents whose children head to a session of camp. Check out these benefits of summer camps for parents:
Time Away From the Kids
You will undoubtedly miss your children when they go away to camp — but you will also appreciate the time apart. Being a parent often means putting your own life on the back burner, or on hold altogether, in order to accommodate the children’s scheduled activities. Imagine being able to sleep in on the weekends, go to drop-in yoga classes any time you want, and catch up on all your adult Netflix shows. You can rest easy knowing that your children are creating life-long memories, engaging in fitness activities, and reaping the rewards of the many summer camp activities for children.
When They’re Happy, You’re Happy
Every parent knows this to be true, and whether your child is a part of a sleep-away summer camps program or summer day camps, their happiness at being outside, exploring new interests, and making new friends will overflow into your life. Although your child may be anxious to go to camp at first, soon they will be so busy trying new things that they won’t have time to be homesick. Chances are they’ll come home from camp simply bursting with stories to tell and memories to share.
A Chance to Concentrate on Something Else
With the kids preoccupied for a certain period of time, you might have the freedom to do a little growing of your own. This might include completing a home improvement project, taking a grownup vacation, or pursuing professional development opportunities. Staying late at the office won’t affect anyone but you when the kids are at camp. Or you could work on your own fitness — after all, less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day.
Summer can be a time for both you and your child to grow and learn, and then come back together with a bond stronger than ever. There are more than 12,000 day and resident camps in the U.S., with 7,000 overnight and 5,000 day camps. Find summer camps for your family and embark on a mutually amazing summer.