Apples and Honey for the Early Childhood Learning Center!
Sunset this coming Sunday marks the beginning of Rosh Hashanah and the High Holy Days, but today we celebrated the head of the year a little early with the Early Childhood Learning Center at our Apples and Honey event! It was so much fun coming together with the families of our community to start off a sweet new year with food, song, and dance.
Our wonderful Early Childhood Learning Center teachers had two awesome stations set up to help us make our own personal round challahs, and also to make beautiful personal honey jar holders. On the other side of the room we had Apis Eden showing us where our honey comes from and offering samples of fresh pure honeycomb. Delicious! To round out an awesome event we had the one and only Susan, of Singin’ with Susan, to help us raise our voices in songs of celebration.
Thank you again to the Early Childhood Learning Center for organizing such a great family event and to Jeremiah’s Italian Ice for a delicious desert! Remember, the JCC will be closed Monday, September 14, and Tuesday, September 15.
Unable to join us today? Don’t worry! Here are some great activities that you and your family can enjoy at home to celebrate Rosh Hashanah too.